Campaigners Keep Animal Welfare on New European Parliament Agenda

EU - Eurogroup for Animals is currently analysing the results of the European elections to see how many candidates that supported the animal welfare pledge have been elected and hopes that the new Parliament will continue to work to protect the welfare of animals across the European Union.
calendar icon 30 May 2014
clock icon 3 minute read

There is much work still to be done and it is vital that the new MEPs take their responsibilities seriously and really act to bring about change. Eurogroup will use the hashtag #act4animals to raise awareness of the issues that remain to be addressed and focus the minds of the elected MEPs.

Eurogroup for Animals is heartened by the fact that European citizens have elected two MEPs from the Animal Party, one in the Netherlands and one in Germany for the first time. Eurogroup for Animals is also pleased that a large number of members of the Intergroup for Animal Welfare and Conservation have also been re-elected. This shows that Europe’s citizens are really concerned by the mistreatment of animals and call on EU decision-makers to protect them.

Traditionally, the European Parliament has been supportive of animal welfare policies and has frequently pushed the European Commission and Members States to go further in their ambitions and we hope this will continue.

Over the next five years, the Parliament needs to challenge the Commission and the Council to ensure that the large number of animal species that are currently overlooked and which are not covered by existing legislation is drastically reduced, according to Eurogroup. In addition, it says, there is a need for Parliament to exert pressure to ensure that enacted legislation is not being flouted in Member States but enforced effectively. Finally, the group is calling on the Parliament to show that despite the economic crisis, animal welfare is not a low priority.

Reineke Hameleers, Director at Eurogroup for Animals, said: “We welcome the new members of the European Parliament and hope that they will honour the work undertaken by their predecessors to protect animal welfare and fight against cruel and unsustainable practices that impact animals directly every day. Europe’s citizens have spoken and now the MEPS must act and develop a strong and united group of animal welfare minded MEPs who will work to make a difference.”

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