Agency Withdraws Objection to Foston Farm

UK - The Environment Agency has withdrawn its objections to a proposed large-scale pig farm in Derbyshire.
calendar icon 27 October 2011
clock icon 2 minute read

Midlands Pigs Producers (MPP) has put forward plans to build the 2,500 sows and 22,000 piglet farm in Foston, Derbyshire together with a biogas plant.

The Environment Agency had objected to the plans because it was worried about possible pollution of the ground water.

The Agency at the time said they required more information from the developers to ensure there will be no problems if the plans go ahead.

Now MPP has provided more information and the Environment Agency says that the risks of pollution from the proposed development are minimal and enough measures are in place to mitigate any problems.

The agency has written to the council withdrawing its objections.

Derbyshire County Council is still considering the planning application.

South Derbyshire District Council has also indicated it has no objection to the plans and will discuss the matter with the county council on 1 November, according to a report on BBC.

The proposal has drawn a lot of criticism from animal welfare organisations because of the intensity of the scheme.

Further Reading

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