Environment Campaigners Step up Protest

UK - The Soil Association is stepping up its campaign opposing the building of a 2,500-sow farm at Foston in Derbyshire.
calendar icon 17 June 2011
clock icon 3 minute read

The Soil Association, the UK's leading charity campaigning for planet-friendly food and farming, and the 'Pig Business' film team, activists fighting for food from farms not factories, are opposing the 2,500-sow farm in Foston Derbyshire.

Dominic West, star of TV police drama 'The Wire', is visiting the site to support the local opposition against a dramatic escalation of industrial pig farming in the UK.

This event will bring attention to a film called 'The Dark Side of Factory Farming', which is to be screened along with presentations on mega farms like Foston at Burton-on-Trent Town Hall on 23 June.

The public meeting is open to anyone interested in helping to stop the introduction of a proposed indoor pig factory in Foston and those who want to find out more about the harmful impacts these kind of super-sized systems may have on human health, the environment, local communities and animal welfare.

A panel of experts will debate the issue of mega-farms and will answer questions from the floor:
  • Peter Melchett, Soil Association Policy Director
  • Linda Wardle, Involved in stopping a mega-dairy farm being approved in Lincolnshire
  • Marchioness Tracy Worcester, 'Pig Business' film producer and campaign director, and
  • local activists from Derbyshire

Mr West said: "The Foston proposal signals a fundamental shift in British farming towards the US and EU system of giant corporate-owned factories confining thousands of pigs in buildings and feeding them antibiotics to keep them alive.

"Treating pigs as industrial production units on such an intensive level is not only shameful but also unsustainable. It is the antithesis of what people want the British countryside and farming to be and it poses a potential threat to human health and the environment, as outlined in the Soil Association's and The Environment Agency's objections to this development."

Find out more about the Soil Association's 'Not in my banger' campaign against an escalation of industrial pig farming in the UK by clicking here.

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