The Low Carbon Agriculture Consortium shows its ambition at VIV Asia 2025
The consortium of French SMEs act to deliver large scale impact in the agricultural space.The Low Carbon Agriculture Consortium participates to VIV Asia in full force this year. Created during the last edition of VIV Asia back in March 2023, the consortium gathers a number of French SMEs in the livestock sector wishing to promote and develop on an international scale, products, services and equipment which reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment.
The consortium currently comprises 8 members, suppliers to the livestock world, focusing together on the reduction of xenobiotics and chemical inputs, raw material savings, solutions for waste recovery and circular economy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and water management.
As an example, “Cooperl has been working for over 15 years on respect for the environment, animal welfare, demedication, reducing the use of pesticides”, explains Yann Morel, head of international communications, “optimising water and energy management and improving its carbon footprint, based on the principles of the circular economy”. The pork farming and agrifood cooperative is present in Thailand with a pig genetics farm and a dedicated office.
A few months ago, one of its founding members, Nor-Feed, has obtained the B Corp label, after 2 years of comprehensive assessment of the company’s impact on the environment, on customers, employees and communities. “The B Corp label is a globally recognized distinction awarded to companies meeting rigorous criteria of social and environmental performance, responsibility and transparency” explains Julia Laurain, marketing director. “Over 80% of ourplant extracts have been derived from food industry co-products”, she adds, and our solutions help to reduce the use of synthetic molecules in animal feed, and to reduce the environmental impact of animal production, as demonstrated by the life-cycle analyses of our citrus extract, for example, published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal”.
Faced with the challenges of climate change and society's expectations, livestock farming needs to move towards more sustainable practices and Valorex is committed to providing innovative nutritional solutions that reduce the carbon footprint of animal production, while guaranteeing performance and animal welfare. “The Tradilin solution is based on local and traceable raw materials, limiting the use of impacting resources such as imported soya” explains Patrick Cadiou, in charge of international development. Thanks to a patented high pressure cooking process that makes nutrients available and highly digestible for livestock, Valorex significantly reduces the methane emissions associated with animal feed.
Since its creation, the independent service company MG2MIX manufacturing premixes of additives, mineral feeds and nutritional specialities for animal feed has been committed to supporting its customers at every stage, from feed formulation to performance monitoring. At a time when the ecological transition and environmental responsibility have become absolute priorities, MG2MIX is taking concrete steps to reduce its ecological footprint and strengthen its commitment to sustainability. These measures include the completion of the company's first carbon footprint assessment and the recruitment of an expert in product Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). "The entire MG2MIX team is involved in a number of individual and collective projects and is strongly committed to the ecological transition and sustainability” highlights Nicolas Cottais, co-director.
The consortium's aim is to promote a "broad and coherent" range of products and services in Asia that help to reduce the carbon footprint of plant and animal production, with a clearcommercial objective. "The idea is to hunt in packs," sums up Xavier Mear, export director of Synthèse Elevage. This is an original approach for French companies," he adds. “The principleis that everyone retains their independence but helps each other to be more effective together. Whatever our size, we all stand to gain and bring value to our clients”.