EU pork production to further decline - report
Per capita consumption projected to decrease by 0.4% per yearIntensive pork production systems are likely to face further societal criticism in Europe in the coming years. African Swine Fever (ASF) is assumed to be present in the EU, but no major or uncontrolled outbreaks are expected. Combined with implementation of stricter laws in certain EU countries and declining export opportunities, these trends are expected to reduce production.
Therefore, EU pork production for meat is projected to fall by 0.5% per year between the 2022-2024 average and 2035 (or around 1.2 million t compared with 2022-2024), according to the EU Agricultural Outlook report (2024-2035).
In the EU, environmental and societal concerns will continue to negatively affect consumer preferences for pork.
Additionally, the relatively higher fat content compared to other meat types may be viewed less favourably by some consumers. Therefore, EU per capita consumption is projected to decrease by 0.4% per year, falling to 30 kg in 2035 (a drop of 5% compared with the already lower levels recorded between 2022 and 2024 compared to pre-2021 levels).