German pig population decreases 15% in three years
Average number of pigs per farm fell from 826 to 810Germany's Federal Statistical Office published the results of its Agricultural Structure Survey 2023 in a press release. The survey is carried out every three to four years. In contrast to the semi-annual livestock counts, smaller farms with less than 50 pigs or less than 10 breeding sows are also included in the survey.
According to the final results of the Agricultural Structure Survey 2023 of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 27,600 companies in Germany held on the 1st March 2023 a total of 22.4 million pigs. Three years earlier, there were still 31,900 farms with 26.3 million pigs. Within three years, the number of farms with pig farming decreased by 4,300 or 13%.
The pig population decreased by 15% from 2020 to 2023, the average number of animals per farm fell from 826 to 810 animals. The number of sow-holding farms increased by 21% within three years to 7,070 as of 01. March 2023. The breeding sow population decreased by 19% to 1.4 million animals.
"The results of the agricultural structure survey published yesterday confirm the findings that we have already gained from the semi-annual livestock censuses," ISN, the interest group for German pigkeepers said. "With the multi-crisis since 2020, there has been a real structural break in pig farming and especially in piglet production. But even at the moment, many pig farmers continue to be critical of the future, although the economic situation has now improved significantly again."
"The main reasons for the dissatisfaction - namely the lack of planning security and the increasing bureaucracy - must be urgently addressed by the Federal Government," ISN concluded.