Acuity and Fast Genetics join forces to create AcuFast
The integrated company allows for greater product offering, superior tech platform and a stronger tech services teamAcuity and Fast Genetics, two swine genetics companies wholly owned by STgenetics, are excited to officially announce their joint brand, AcuFast.

Since the purchase of Acuity in February of 2022, the companies have worked diligently to fully understand how best to combine their teams, infrastructure, products, and resources. They have introduced a new structure that allows for a greater product offering, a superior technology platform, and a combined technical solutions team that will better enable AcuFast’s partners to succeed.
The name AcuFast represents what they will deliver to the industry; the name combines the words “accuracy” and “fast”, two key components of the genetic improvement equation. The name was also selected to encompass the legacy of both brands; “Acu” for Acuity, meaning sharpness of thought, and “Fast” to pay homage to the 41-year-old business founded by Harold Fast.
The successful combining of these companies would not have been possible without the leadership of Gregg BeVier, Fast Genetics previous CEO and current COO of STgenetics. AcuFast is now led by Francisco Bobadilla, executive vice president and head of AcuFast and Genetic Visions-ST. The senior leadership remains the same—Shannon Meyers, vice president of operations and customer success and Clint Schwab, vice president of technology and customer success.
AcuFast is structured to transform the pork industry and enable its partners to succeed. “Through empowering people and integrating proprietary technology, we deliver realized value to pork producers and contribute to a thriving and sustainable future,” Bobadilla said. “AcuFast continues to work closely with its parent company, STgenetics, combining its resources to offer an integrated and differentiated approach to customer success.“
STgenetics entered the swine genetics business with the purchase of Fast Genetics in 2015 from HyLife, a Canadian-based pork producer and processor. STgenetics recently expanded its swine enterprise by purchasing Acuity in 2022 from the Maschhoffs, a large family-owned pork producer based in the US.