USDA releases new resources to keep out African swine fever
The USDA has released new factsheets, infographics and technical information for producers and the public to help keep ASF out of the US.African swine fever is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease affecting both domestic and wild pigs of all ages. ASF is not a threat to human health and cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans. It is not a food safety issue.
ASF is found in countries around the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. More recently, it has spread through China, Mongolia and Vietnam, as well as within parts of the European Union.
"It has never been found in the United States – and we want to keep it that way."
With the rapid spread of the virus through pig-producing regions that trade with the US, the USDA is taking drastic steps to ensure the virus doesn't reach the US pig herd. New materials, published online, cover a number of topics related to the disease epidemiology, travelling in ASF-affected countries, reporting sick pigs and farm biosecurity.
The resources also include progress reports on ASF in affected countries, a fact sheet on how to spot sick pigs and videos featuring Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach, who discuss the steps being taken by the USDA to keep out ASF.