Genesus Global Market Report: France
On week 49, after a decline of the prices the last weeks, it seems that the global demand is more sustained, probably due to abroad markets.
by Philippe Mallétroit – Director for France
Hog market
The last nine weeks, pork price average was 1.181 €/kg carcass (1.135$/kg) and last year at the same period it was 1.198 € (1.365$).
If African Swine Fever (ASF) continue to spread in China (a new case has been recently reported in a 10 000 pigs farm in Beijing area), local market prices will rise and China will be probably increase importations. That would be profitable for France; last year the share of french exports was 18% to China and Hong-Kong.
Societal expectations
During the last general meeting of a french cooperative, I attended an interesting presentation from professor Philippe Legrand (famous biochemist and nutritionist from INRA) about societal expectations regarding food and human health. In some “rich” countries such as France, some ultra minority people, with good communication skills, try to convert the other peoples to their dogma : a world where people don’t eat animal products like meat. We have been reminded that human is indeed an omnivore since the dawn of time, and a diet without animal products will be dangerous for health.
All of this seem obvious for all people of the pig industry, but an intervention from a scientist can be good and positive for an industry too often blamed.
One year ago GENESUS established on the french market, and bought Porc-Ex France company.
Jim Long, CEO and President of GENESUS : « In a first step we wanted to learn from the french market. Today, it seems obvious just like in other countries where we are present, than we have to focus on field people and create new local partnerships ».
From left to right : Helena Echberg (Director of business development), Jim Long (President- CEO Genesus), Franck Perrigoué (Prod’atech), Philippe Mallétroit (Director for France)
GENESUS have started a new partnership with Franch Perrigoué in charge of Prod’atech, business agency.
Franck Perrigoué work in the french pig industry and especially with swine genetic for more than 20 years and do some technical support for his customers. « I consider that Genesus have a very robust sow, easy to manage with the highest economic value; that’s means a sow who is able to wean 13.5 heavy and uniform piglets per litter, with a good feed efficiency » say Franck Perrigoué.
Prod’atech will distribute Genesus F1 gilts in West of France as Genesus Sarl.
With this new partnership GENESUS is looking to establish for a long term in France and provide a strong swine genetic, easy to manage for more economic benefits.