Scientist ‘pops the hood’ on US pork industry’s newest vaccine for PCV2
What is “cell-mediated immunity“ and how does it affect vaccine performance? Are two PCV2 genotypes necessarily better than one? And what does a monster from Greek mythology have to do with building a better vaccine?
In an interview with Pig Health Today, veterinary immunologist Meggan Bandrick, DVM, PhD, popped the hood on the US pork industry’s newest PCV2 vaccine and answered these questions in practical terms.
Watch the full interview or each part separately:
Full interview: What’s under the hood? Veterinary immunologist explains merits of new PCV2 vaccine
Part 1: Cell-mediated immunity critical to vaccine performance
Part 2: Why two PCV2 genotypes are better than one
Part 3: Chimeric vaccines combine strengths of each antigen to provide better coverage