West Africa offers training for young pig farmer entrepreneurs
Pristine Farm Resources, a Nigerian pig farm and training consultancy, kicked off its annual regional training programme with a 2-day course for young entrepreneurs at Ibadan on 19 OctoberThe programme is targeted at young entrepreneurs entering into pig farming, and pig farmers desirous of adopting best practices.

The topics treated at the course included 'Pig farm construction and management', 'Managing quality feed provision', 'Biosecurity and health management' and 'Pig breeds, tropical conditions and maximum performance'. The first day was taken up with presentations by resource persons and discussions, and the second day was spent on-farm.
Mr Yemi Adesina, CEO of Pristine Farm Resources, said that due to the boom in pork consumption among Africans, large numbers of young people are being attracted into pig farming. He noted that pig farming has moved on from the days when people constructed basic structures behind their homes, brought in a handful of pigs and fed them on household and commercial leftovers. Many young, educated people are also entering the industry but, he adds, “it is still important that they adopt the best management methods. I am happy that young people are appreciating the importance of training”.
Femi Adetola, a participant, found the course “truly rewarding”: “I just started my farm and wanted to know more. The information on biosecurity was very useful and I'm grateful for the opportunity to link up with other young pig farmers”.
Sarah Peters, who started her farm three years ago, will be making some changes in her marketing practice: “I've learnt about the importance of being proactive in keeping customers and locating new ones”.
Mr Adesina says that many pig farmers are unable to achieve the much desired 100 kg in 5 months due to their lack of modern management practices, however, he adds, “today, more training is available to pig farmers. Farmers who improve their skills are certain to make good profits in this booming market”.
Words Efua Okai