EU pig prices: market situation unchanged

With the tourists storming southward from the other European countries, the summer season is still running at full blast in southern Europe. Thus, demand for meat remains on a high level there. Spain’s pig price again went up slightly
calendar icon 18 July 2018
clock icon 3 minute read

Compared with the weeks before, the situation also hasn’t changed much in the rest of Europe. Pig prices have mostly remained on the same level there. With the temperatures continuing to be hot, the quantities of pigs for slaughter remain on a low level with the number of slaughters going down. The slaughter weights also stay on a low level for the most part. In Austria, for example, the slaughter weight last week has kept below 96.5 kg for the first time this year. While the live-animals’ market is still waiting for the prices to go up again, the slaughter industry continues to focus on resistance. According to statements heard from the slaughter industry, the demand for pigs for slaughter is easily covered.

Price decreases by a converted 3 cents are reported on from both Denmark and the Netherlands. At the same time, the Dutch price decrease seems to have been very much caused by the local slaughter companies. This provokes quite a stir among the producers.

With their price decrease, the Danes go on veering away from the price structure as observed in the rest of Europe, thus continuing to bear the red light within the EU ranking. The table is still led by the southern European markets in Italy and Spain.

Trend for the German market

The live-animals’ market is still dominated by the scarce quantities of pigs for slaughter on offer. On the other hand, yet, the atmosphere is still negative on the meat market. This still has a dampening effect on the market.

Therefore, the market participants expect the price level to remain unchanged for the upcoming week of slaughter.

(Source: ISN - Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands)
1) corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
2) These quotations are based on the correction formulas applied since 01.08.2010.
base: 57 % lean-meat-percentage; farm-gate-price; 79 % killing-out-percentage, without value-added-tax.

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Emily Houghton

Editor, The Pig Site

Emily Houghton is a Zoology graduate from Cardiff University and was the editor of The Pig Site from October 2017 to May 2020. Emily has worked in livestock husbandry, and has written, conducted and assisted with research projects regarding the synthesis of welfare and productivity of free-range food species.

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