EU pig prices: quotations are getting nowhere – Netherlands set a positive sign
On the European pigs-mature-for-slaughter market, the bell seems to be sounding for a turnaround. While the majority of quotations remain steady, the Netherlands and Great Britain both are setting a positive sign, thus providing the new upward marching courseAfter a consecutive period of two short weeks of slaughter because of public holidays, the European pigs-mature-for-slaughter market appears rather cleaned up. No backlog supply seems to have piled up because of some days of slaughter missing, because the quantities of live animals on offer are not too abundant. At the same time, the meat market gives positive impetus because of the demand for barbecue meat, resulting in a noticeable increase in sales. Both the Netherlands and Great Britain already could realise the positive impetus and have their quotations going up.
It is noteworthy that the Dutch quotation, which ranks last on the list of the five EU member countries most important in pig keeping, once more is drawing the line towards the neighbouring countries’ development by increasing their quotation, virtually against the general sideways movement. This way, the gap towards the corrected German quotation shrinks to a corrected 4.5 cents. The difference between top ranking Spain and the Netherlands bearing the red light is also getting smaller.
(Source: ISN - Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands)
1) corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
2) These quotations are based on the correction formulas applied since 01.08.2010.
base: 57 % lean-meat-percentage; farm-gate-price; 79 % killing-out-percentage, without value-added-tax
Trend for the German market:
After the long weekend after the public holiday on Thursday and the so-called bridging day off on Friday last week, the domestic pigs-mature-for-slaughter market is characterised by a particularly brisk demand for live pigs. According to the marketers, the quantities on offer are quite manageable; additional batches are looked for. So, from today’s point of view, a friendly development of prices appears quite feasible.
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