EU pig prices: more and more signs for bottoming out

The European pigs-mature-for-slaughter market still appears inconsistent this current week of slaughter. Everything even in-between minus and plus is represented.
calendar icon 23 March 2018
clock icon 3 minute read

Starting from the past situation which was characterised by discounted prices and the slaughter companies’ pressure resulting from those, the German quotation went down by another 4 cents on Wednesday. The lasting instability also spread to the neighbouring countries. Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands followed with similar price decreases.

Unchanged quotations are reported on from Spain, Denmark and France. The Danish quotation has steadily remained on an unchanged corrected price level of 1.38 euros per kg slaughter weight for as long as three weeks’ time now. In Spain and France, the quotations as to pigs for slaughter continue to tend steadily. From Great Britain, reports are coming in about a 3.3 cents’ price increase.

Through the inconsistent development of the pigs-for-slaughter quotations as observed in the various EU member countries, the price structure of the five EU member countries most important in pig keeping started to change. Spain keeps the top rank, yet the gap toward the Dutch, who still bear the red light, is widening again. Because of the latest downward correction, the German quotation slides back behind France and is thus ranking third now.

(Source: ISN - Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands)
1) corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
2) These quotations are based on the correction formulas applied since 01.08.2010.
base: 57 % lean-meat-percentage; farm-gate-price; 79 % killing-out-percentage, without value-added-tax

Trend for the German market

The domestic pigs-mature-for-slaughter market is relaxing ever more. The market participants altogether are accepting the current level of quotations. After 9-cents’ price decreases within just one week, the demand for live pigs has got brisker again.

To read the full report and to find out more about the European swine market, click here

As reported on

Emily Houghton

Editor, The Pig Site

Emily Houghton is a Zoology graduate from Cardiff University and was the editor of The Pig Site from October 2017 to May 2020. Emily has worked in livestock husbandry, and has written, conducted and assisted with research projects regarding the synthesis of welfare and productivity of free-range food species.

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