Hypor Libra* raises interest, lowers feed cost

As the world’s most “prolificient“ sow - the sum of prolific and efficient – the Libra* balances traits in feed conversion and mothering ability to lower the feed cost per pig. “Producing more pork with less feed requires a highly balanced animal,“ says Hypor R&D Director Abe Huisman. The Hypor Libra* gives you more of what you DO need and less of what you don’t.
calendar icon 31 January 2018
clock icon 4 minute read

More milk capacity and less time to weaning

By producing more colostrum, Hypor sows can achieve a higher weaning capacity. That’s good news for producers, because it gives piglets a strong start with a higher survival rate and better performance throughout their lives.

But it doesn’t end there. The Hypor Libra* is capable of producing more than 30 full value pigs a year. Because her piglets reach an appropriate weaning weight in 21 days instead of 28 and she needs a minimum of foster sows, you save up to 7 days in the farrowing crate. That equals 84 kg of feed savings per sow per year during farrowing. And with feed accounting for 70% of production costs, the more you can save off the top, the healthier your bottom line.

More uniform litters and more full value pigs

While a strong start is important, Hypor believes that lowering feed costs means improving efficiency from sow to piglet to finisher. Instead of taking the average litter weight, Hypor collects birth weight and 14-day weight on individual piglets to account for variation within a litter. As a result, the Hypor Libra* produces uniform litters that increase the number of full value pigs sold to the packer. For producers, the sow that provides uniform litters is the sow that produces more revenue with less feed costs, and that sow is the Hypor Libra*.

More daily gain and less feed wasted

The Hypor Libra* is bred to produce large litters of quality pigs that are also feed efficient. Like everything Hypor does, we achieve this through extensive research and cutting edge technology. Collecting data from more than 300 electronic feed stations worldwide, we measure physical characteristics such as feed intake and growth and calculate the feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI) of individual pigs. RFI is a more advanced way of improving efficiency by comparing what the pig requires to the actual amount of feed consumed. All of this information is used to improve Hypor Libra*’s FCR and, more importantly, to boost your profits. By balancing reproduction and mothering traits with production ability, the Hypor Libra* decreases the cost of production throughout the production chain. Now THAT’S Total System Profitability.

More income and less expense

In developing the Hypor Libra*, we combined nearly a decade of genetic improvement, state-of-the art technology and the best genetics from the top Hypor Landrace and Hypor Large White populations. From milk capacity to litter uniformity to feed conversion, the Hypor Libra* is bred to produce the most pork per sow at the lowest possible feed cost. When it comes to the perfect present for the producer on your list, the Hypor Libra* is that rarest of commodities: The gift that keeps on giving.

Hypor is one of the world's leading suppliers of pig genetics. Committed to providing superior genetics that supports profitability in the pork value chain. With its Head Office located in Boxmeer, The Netherlands, Hypor has strategically-located and interconnected breeding centers in North America, Europe and Asia. More information is available at www.hypor.com

Hypor is part of Hendrix Genetics, a leading multi-species breeding company with primary activities in layer-, turkey-, swine-, aquaculture -and traditional poultry breeding. Headquartered in Boxmeer, in The Netherlands, Hendrix Genetics provides expertise and resources to producers in more than 100 countries, with operations and joint ventures in more than 35 countries and more than 2.800 employees worldwide. More information is available at www.hendrix-genetics.com

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