AHDB seeks Strategic Farm hosts
AHDB Pork is looking for four producers to be new Strategic Farm hosts, in an exciting development for 2018.After the launch of the 2018 Farm Excellence Directory at the Oxford Farming Conference, AHDB is seeking four new pig producers to join David Goodier in the directory. They will be working with other producers and allied industry to find new, practical ideas to improve their unit’s performance, focusing on water quality and delivery and practical farm hygiene.
Plus, each host producer will be choosing two further areas to look at, specific to their business.
AHDB Pork senior knowledge exchange manager, Kate Mellor, said:
We’re ready to build on the success of the pilot initiative at David Goodier’s, adding more pig farmers to AHDB’s network of Strategic Farms in 2018.
Many minds are often better than one and David Goodier saw a unique opportunity to learn and improve his 230-sow unit through taking part in AHDB’s pilot Strategic Farm.
David said:
I’ve benefited from the pooling of ideas from other producers and industry advisors, with plenty of practical suggestions on what I could change to help improve pig performance.
AHDB Strategic Farms use farmer-to-farmer learning to accelerate the uptake of knowledge and provide a platform for farmers to explore the potential for best practice to have an impact on their business. The Strategic Farms form one of AHDB’s Farm Excellence activities, designed to inspire the industry to improve performance and succeed through knowledge exchange.
For more information and an application form, producers can visit pork.ahdb.org.uk/pig-production/strategic-farms or contact their knowledge exchange manager for a chat. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 14 February.
As reported by AHDB