IFA Welcomes Increase in Pig Prices from Processors

IRELAND - Chairman of the IFA Pigs Committee Tom Hogan has welcomed an increase in pig prices from processors last Friday.
calendar icon 16 February 2017
clock icon 3 minute read

The low base quotes of €1.58 all received an increase of 4c/kg last week. A price of €1.62 is now the lowest base price pig farmers should be quoted, but the variation above this level is still very much evident around the country.

Competition between processors is leaving sellers with the upper hand in price negotiations and deals above €1.66 have been done to secure pigs.

While the increase and trend is positive, Mr Hogan called on the processing sector to recognise the poor financial status on pig farms, and the need for a sustained period of positive margins.

Ireland’s percentage of the EU price has improved and is currently 101 per cent of the EU average price as reported to the EU Commission for the week commencing 30 January 2017.

Factory pig throughput in Republic of Ireland export plants for the week ending 11 February 2017 was 60,851 head which was 4,593 head less than the previous week and 2,352 less than in the corresponding week in 2016. Slaughtering’s in ROI export plants is -19.4 per cent behind the same period in 2016.

Export Plants: Top prices on a flat rate basis </= 166cent/kg in Karro, </=164 cent/kg in Kepak, and Rosderra, </=162 cent/kg in Dawn and Staunton’s.

Pork Slaughters: The price range is </=160 cent/kg.

Sows: 95 – 100c/kg DW.

Weekly Slaughterings: Week-ending 11/2/2017 Pigs: 60,851 Sows: 1,669

EU 27 Pig meat Reference Price Week commencing 30 January 2017

Irish price €1.55kg

EU–27 average price €1.53kg

(Grade E pigs – 55 per cent to 60 per cent lean meat excluding VAT but including transport and bonuses).

Pig prices reported to IFA week-commencing 13/02/17

Rosderra </= €1.64/kg

Dawn </= €1.62/kg

Staunton’s </= €1.62/kg

Kepak </= €1.64/kg

Karro </= €1.66/kg

(All prices dependent on grading of pig)

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