Pork Production Costs Rise in Brazil
BRAZIL - Pig and broiler production costs have risen sharply at the start of 2016, according to Brazil's Centre of Intelligence for Poultry and Swine (CIAS).After consecutive record lows in November and December, the ICPFrango/Embrapa (index measuring production costs of broilers) increased 7.98 per cent in January, reaching 216.83 points (the base index of 100 points refers to prices in January 2010).
The rise was mainly due to increases in the cost of feeding poultry (7.31 per cent) as well as the price of day-old chicks (0.46 per cent).
The index of pig production costs (ICPSuíno/Embrapa), which had been falling in December, also rose by 6.21 oer cent in January 2016.
Just as for poultry, the high cost of manufacturing and purchasing of feed for pigs was mainly to blame for increasing production costs.
In the last 12 months, the ICPSuíno/Embrapa index is up 21.90 per cent.