EU Crop Sowing Figures Good News for Animal Producers

EU - New Copa and Cogeca figures show good EU cereals plantings this year due to favourable weather conditions, but grain prices remain low whilst the EU rapeseed harvest is expected to be down, partly as a result of the the neonicotinoid seed treatment ban.
calendar icon 9 February 2016
clock icon 3 minute read

The data was presented at Copa and Cogecas’ Cereals and Oilseeds Working Parties.

Chairman of the Cereals Working Party Max Schulman said: “Latest figures show good EU-28 cereals plantings this year with production up 1.4 per cent to reach 309 million tonnes, compared to 304 mt last year, mainly due to favourable weather conditions in many countries.

"But grain prices remain low, leaving farmers with serious cash flow problems which is exacerbated by late Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) payments.

"This cash flow problem could deteriorate even further with oversupply on the market and farmers having to release cereals on the market to buy inputs to improve the quality of the new crops.

"Grain prices are rock-bottom and do not even cover production costs, leaving farmers with serious cash flow problems and potential increase of fallow land.”

Chairman of Copa and Cogeca oilseeds working party Arnaud Rousseau meanwhile insisted: ”This years’ EU-28 oilseeds sowing area declined by -2.6 per cent and is still uncertain due to a winter kill possibility.

"A sharp 14 per cent drop in the area planted seen in the UK, mainly as a result of the neonicotinoid seed treatment ban. The sector is in serious danger and the ban must be removed as long as no credible alternatives exist.

“But there is some good news in the EU protein crop sector with forecasts showing a potential high protein crop production partly due to the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and greening requirements.

"This is good news for the EU livestock sector and feed industry.

"Protein crop production could be expanded further. It is an economic opportunity and we are looking to collaborate with other economic stakeholders to turn greening into green growth,” he concluded.

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