Pig Group Seeks €2 Million EU Funding
EU - An exciting new project pulling together the best the pig industry has to offer across the EU has been launched.The EU Pig Innovation Group (EU PIG) is a consortium of pig research, knowledge transfer and producer partners that have formed a network to coordinate, collaborate and share findings from existing pre farm gate research, share best practice on technical production and exchange approaches to knowledge transfer.
A bid for €2 million of EU funding under the Horizon 20:20 banner has been drawn up and is due to be submitted next month.
EU Pig is being co-ordinated by Charlotte Evans, technical innovation manager for AHDB Pork, who said: “We submitted an application last year but missed out by the narrowest of margins – we were just half a point behind so we are hopeful we’ll be more successful this time.
“The consortium comprises 19 organisations representing 13 Member States which together accounted for 92 per cent of the EU’s pig meat production and 89 per cent of the EU’s pig herd in 2014.
“There are national and regional pig producer groups, researchers, rural development boards, innovation practitioners and SMEs. EU PiG partners have a common desire to share and present best practice and research results on four specific themes: pig health management, precision production, welfare and meat quality.”
“This is the most effective way of gathering information and getting it out to levy payers while avoiding duplication. The main focus will be on topical issues that are relevant today, not work that was done 10 years ago.
“We will be looking at pulling together knowledge that is not only in people’s heads but also books, papers, reports and on websites.”
News on whether or not the bid has been successful is expected in the summer but, in the meantime, the group will keep in touch to make sure the impetus is not lost.