UK Pig Industry Views Sought on PEDv
UK - Moves to make PEDv a notifiable disease have taken a step forward as Defra, together with industry organisations, is now seeking views on the proposal.Though reporting the disease would be compulsory, there would be no slaughter of animals and no movement restrictions. If the industry is agreeable, the new rules would come into operation later this year.
Giving the disease this status means it would be notifiable on suspicion which would aid rapid diagnosis and prompt action in the event of an outbreak.
AHDB Pork veterinary manager Martin Smith has been working with Defra, the Pig Health and Welfare Council, the NPA and other industry organisations on tackling PEDv should it ever reach our shores.
Martin said: “We already have a contingency plan in place along with a number of standard operating procedures which will tell people what they need to do in the event of an outbreak.
“PEDv can be a devastating disease as has been seen in the USA where it has killed millions of piglets. We want to keep it out of the UK but if it does get in we want to be ready.
“We have been watching the way in which the Canadians have been dealing with it and a collaborative approach involving the whole industry has worked well for them so we are following the same approach.
“We all believe that making PEDv notifiable would aid the efforts to control and eliminate the disease should it arrive.”
Industry views on the plan can be made for the next month by following this link