Poultry, Pig Animal Welfare Research Boosted in Australia

US - Research into animal welfare has been boosted by a $1 million Adelaide State Government grant to expand pig and poultry facilities at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy campus.
calendar icon 6 August 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

The grant will go towards the development of a remote animal behaviour monitoring system, improved climate control and free range poultry facilities.

Agriculture Minister Leon Bignell said expansion of the research and development capability would cement the Roseworthy campus as the leading intensive and free range pig and poultry research facility in Australia.

“Production systems are evolving rapidly to meet consumer demand for improved animal welfare production systems,” Mr Bignell said.

“Upgrades to our facilities will ensure the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) and the University of Adelaide will be able to provide the best research, development and business outcomes for local and national pig and poultry industries.”

Professor Wayne Hein, Dean of Roseworthy campus, welcomed the State Government’s ongoing support.

“We have an outstanding collaborative hub at Roseworthy with some of the best animal science researchers in the country working at this site,” Professor Hein said.

“Roseworthy is also the headquarters of the Pork Cooperative Research Centre. The strong alignment with the CRC on campus means that industry engagement in the research undertaken on the campus is seamless and beneficial to all parties.

“This funding will help establish the highest standards of animal welfare in animal production systems.”

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