CCTV as Welfare Check in New Pork Quality Scheme
UK - The British Meat Processors’ Association (BMPA) is to require CCTV in processing plants as a means of checking on animal welfare as part of its updated quality scheme for pork.The BMPA launched the updated Pork Scheme this month, following a major review of its pork and pork products quality standards.
The BMPA owns and manages quality standards under an umbrella scheme, the ‘BMPA Pork Scheme’, covering fresh pork and a range of pork products, including pork sausage, bacon, ham and cooked pork.
These standards are managed through announced and unannounced audits carried out by independent UKAS-accredited bodies.
Products manufactured to the BMPA standards carry the Red Tractor logo.
Over several months, the BMPA carried out a comprehensive review and updating of the standards in order to ensure that they meet the changing needs of consumers, retailers and manufacturers, to simplify the schemes, to improve audit arrangements and to extend their scope to cover external cold stores, and to strengthen the provisions with regard to provenance and traceability by requiring scheme participants to demonstrate an understanding of their supply chains and to have a schedule of traceability audits, as well as carry out a quarterly mass balance exercise.
The updated Scheme also includes a requirement for the use of CCTV in all areas bearing on animal welfare, as well requirements for adequate facilities for washing and disinfecting hauliers’ vehicles.
Stephen Rossides, BMPA Director, said: “The review of the BMPA standards was the most comprehensive and thorough we have ever carried out, and brings the standards up to date to reflect the expectations of customers, retailers and scheme participants alike.
“Product quality is integral to the BMPA Pork Scheme and remains a cornerstone.
“The review has also resulted in stronger animal welfare and biosecurity provisions, as well as robust audit and traceability requirements that reflect food fraud concerns and which respond to recommendations in the Elliott Review into the Integrity and Assurance of Food Supply Networks.
“I am immensely proud of what the review group has achieved through this comprehensive exercise, and I commend the BMPA Pork Scheme to customers, retailers, manufacturers and consumers.”