Canadian Pork Producers Meet to Shape Industry's Future

CANADA - The Canadian Pork Council (CPC) held a spring meeting in Ottawa recently to update members on its key initiatives.
calendar icon 18 May 2015
clock icon 3 minute read

Producers from across Canada met for a full day of sessions to help shape the future of the industry and address the many challenges and opportunities for the next year.

Participants discussed the state of the US-mandatory Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) case currently before the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and reinforced the importance of retaliation as a motivator for legislative change in the US.

The potential for a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal was also discussed and the group stressed the importance of Canada’s continued ambitious participation in TPP negotiations.

Members were updated on the Government of Canada and hog industry actions with respect to antimicrobial resistance and direction to strengthen controls.

The industry will continue to work to see that antimicrobials needed to protect both human and animal health continue to be available and effective.

Members were also updated on the PigTrace Canada Program. Since 1 July 2014, there have been approximately 400,000 movements reported to PigTrace from 4,823 registered premises. This represents over 50 million pigs moved.

“PigTrace is vital in reducing the risk of transmission of emerging diseases,” said CPC chair Rick Bergmann.

“These numbers, and this system, mean response and investigation times could now be slashed from days to a matter of minutes.”

In addition, Mr Bergmann used the opportunity to recognise Jean-Guy Vincent’s dedication to the organisation since his 2004 appointment to the national board by the CPC's Québec member organisation.

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