US Pork Price Hit by Unusual Circumstances

US - Harrisvaccines brings you valuable pork market news each week with the 'Pork Profitability' report.
calendar icon 2 April 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

Usual circumstances affecting pork prices, says Meghan Grebner with Pork Profitability brought to you by Harrisvaccines.

Paragon Economics President and CEO, Steve Meyer says the back-log in pork products from the west coast port shut-down is one of those usual circumstances.

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He says: "We export about 23 per cent of our pork and about half of it goes out of those Pacific ports.

"So if you just back up a little piece of that and that product has to find a home on the domestic market, it puts severe downward pressure, especially when you've got total production up as much as we have since January 1."

He tells Brownfield the weather was also a factor. The horrible winter in the north-east kept consumers out of the grocery store two to three days a week.

Harrisvaccines provides new vaccine technology for animal health and is partnered with Brownfield to provide pork producers valuable industry insight. Visit to learn more about keeping your swine herd health and adding more profitability to your bottom line.

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