Enzyme Characteristics Critical When Choosing a Superdosing Phytase

UK - Enzyme characteristics are critical when choosing a superdosing phytase, says AB Vista.
calendar icon 8 April 2015
clock icon 3 minute read

The current phytases commercially available in the market differ markedly in terms of key characteristics. As a result, understanding the impact on performance and potential returns is vital if good product choices are to be made, claims AB Vista Technical Manager, Dr Gilson Gomes.

He stressed: “It’s a particular challenge for those wanting to use superdosing to eliminate phytate as an anti-nutrient, rather than just release phosphorus (P). Phytase efficacy at high doses depends heavily on a number of important characteristics, all of which vary from one product to the next.”

Good phytase stability during processing and in the gastro-intestinal tract is vital, for example. So too is a high level of activity at the low pH found in the stomach, plus an ability to continue phytate breakdown even at low concentrations to drive towards near elimination and minimise phytate anti-nutrient effects.

Dr Gomes added: “Choosing an effective and reliable phytase is much simpler once the impact of these key characteristics is understood.

“For example, Quantum Blue phytase was developed specifically to maximise phytate destruction, so when applied at a higher than standard dose will deliver a more efficient and complete degradation of phytate in the stomach.

“The result is better, more consistent performance in the animal, and potentially higher returns on investment. Just remember that putting a phytase into the feed is the easy part – the real challenge comes from choosing the right phytase in the first place.”

For more information, contact AB Vista on +44(0)1672 517 650 or [email protected].

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