African Swine Fever Restricts Pig Movements in Zambia
ZAMBIA - Unauthorised movements of pigs and pig products have been banned as African swine fever has returned to the districts of Chilanga and Lusaka.The government says the public will not be allowed to move pigs or pig products from one area to another without clearance from the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) due to the recurrence of the African swine fever in Chilanga and Lusaka districts, reports Zambia Daily Mail.
DVS acting director Swithine Kabilika said the authorities have instituted control measures which include the quarantine, slaughter of pigs and disinfection of piggeries that are infected with the African swine fever.
Dr Kabilika said in a statement recently that Government will not compensate the farmers whose pigs will be slaughtered as a result of being infected with African swine fever and only pigs that have been tested negative and issued with stock movement permit by the DVS will be allowed to be slaughtered.
He said: “The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock wishes to inform pig farmers and the public that as a result of the recurrence of African swine fever in Chilanga and Lusaka districts, no person is allowed to move pigs and pig products from one area to another without veterinary clearance.”
He added that all abattoirs should comply with the directive and adhere to strict hygiene, disinfection, restricted entry of vehicles and people into piggeries to prevent their piggeries from becoming infected with the disease.
Dr Kabilika urged all pig farmers and stakeholders to co-operate with the DVS to eradicate the African swine fever because the disease has serious social economic effects on Zambia’s pig industry.