Sharing Data Between Producers, Processors and Retailers Would Benefit All
UK -The benefits of sharing data between producers, processors and retailers could add value to all stages of the supply chain and improve British livestock production, says Innovation for Agriculture (IfA), the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and Warwickshire Rural Hub.The benefits of sharing data between producers, processors and retailers could add value to all stages of the supply chain and improve British livestock production, says Innovation for Agriculture (IfA), the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and Warwickshire Rural Hub.
The ability to collect, share and analyse information about the performance and quality of an animal can provide farmers with the opportunity to better identify the performance of their livestock, in their own right and in relation to other producers.
It can also help to focus on improving animal health and the control of diseases which can impact on welfare and the costs of production.
“Sharing information across the supply chain would allow increases in efficiency across the board,” said Charlotte Johnston, Technical Specialist for IfA.
“It could also save the industry significant money allowing producers to identify animal performance and underlying disease.”
It would allow customers, including processors and retailers to better obtain the type of animal they need for their market and work with producers to tackle issues which affect the sustainability of their supply chains.
“Farmers, markets, processors and allied industries such as vets and feed suppliers all gather a terrific amount of information on livestock performance and many of these records are now kept electronically,” said Charles Sercombe, NFU Livestock Board Chairman.
“I believe there are many benefits for sharing this information for the livestock sector and the NFU have been active with organisations across the industry and initiatives such as the Agri-Tech Strategy to develop projects to deliver improved breeding stock and a better ability to control damaging diseases like BVD and bovine TB.”
Producers and representatives from across the industry are invited to a free of charge conference on 3 December 2014 to continue this discussion on how the information can be better used across the red meat supply chain to benefit farming, the food industry and the consumer.
Leading a panel discussion at the Arthur Rank Centre, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire will be Adam Quinney (beef producer), Jonathan Birnie (Head of Agriculture, Dunbia) and Andrew Loftus (Agriculture Manager, Morrisons).
In the afternoon, the conference will focus on new technologies for the beef and lamb sector including early disease indicators and developments such as virtual fencing.
The event is free to attend and includes lunch and the opportunity to talk to others interested in how future technology can benefit farmers.
The event follows two on farm workshops focusing on better use of technology on beef and sheep farms. Please register in advance for the conference at or contact Charlotte Johnston – 07779572598.