No Further PED Detected in Ecuador
ECUADOR - Since porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) hit one farm in July, monitoring and surveillance on that farm and elsewhere in the country has revealed no further signs of the virus.A Follow up Report dated 15 October sent by the veterinary authority to the the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) states that inspections on a previously affected farm have been carried out in order to establish the animals’ health status. Mortality rate observed is 1.4 per cent, which is a usual value.
Active surveillance activities continue to be carried out and the early warning system is still reinforced; no new cases have been detected neither in the zone around the outbreak nor in the surveillance zone or the rest of the country.
In September, the veterinary authority sent an Immediate Notification to OIE concerning an outbreak of swine coronovirus, which started on 20 July 2014. At a commercial pig farm at Latacunga in the Cotopaxi region in the centre of the country with 10,908 animals; 1,341 pigs were affected, 1,043 died and a further 1,401 were slaughtered.
It was reported at that time that, following the notification of an atypical mortality occurring mainly in piglets of 10 days old, the official service put into effect the health measures established in the contingency plan for PED. The plan included quarantine measures on the farm, reinforced control of animal movement, movement control towards other areas of the country, biosecurity measures on farms of all kinds and epidemiological surveillance at national level.
The laboratory for animal health diagnosis carried out the molecular tests and genetic sequencing of the causal agent was also ongoing at that time.