Maltese Meat Production Increased in Second Quarter
MALTA - Meat production advanced by 5.5 per cent to 2,994 tonnes during the quarter under review.This was mainly brought about by an increase in the production of pigmeat and broiler meat by 10.3 and 0.5 per cent, respectively (Table 1).
Table 1. Carcass weight (in kg) of slaughtered livestock
The increase in pig meat production resulted from a 5.9 per cent rise in the number of animals slaughtered (Table 2).
Table 2. Livestock (in head) slaughtered at licensed slaughterhouses
Broiler meat production went up by 0.5 per cent as a result of a 5.7 per cent rise in the average carcass weight, although the number of slaughtered broilers declined by 4.9 per cent (Table 3).
Table 3. Average carcass weight (in kg) of slaughtered livestock
Producer Value
The producer value of animals slaughtered at licensed slaughterhouses in the period under review amounted to €6.6 million, up 1.7 per cent when compared to the second quarter of 2013 (Table 4). This resulted from an increase of 10.3 per cent in the producer value of pig meat.
Table 4. Producer value (in €) of slaughtered livestock
However, the producer value of beef and broiler meat declined by 14.5 and 6.3 per cent, respectively.