The Pig Idea Event to Focus on Feeding Food Waste
UK - The Pig Idea will be held in London's Trafalgar Square on 21 November, offering visitors to taste pork dishes from pigs reared on food waste. The National Pig Association has expressed its concern about the disease risks associated with feeding waste food to pigs.The organisers of The Pig Idea are inviting participants to dine with them in Trafalgar Square this coming Thursday.
Over the last seven months, the Pig Idea team has been rearing eight pigs on London's Stepney City Farm on a healthy diet of spent brewer's grains, whey, unsold fruit and veg and okara (a tofu byproduct) - all food which would otherwise have been composted or sent to landfill.
The pork produced from the pigs is to be served up for you by some of the UK's best restaurants and chefs.
What's more, it's all free! From noon until 4pm, there will be an array of free food and family-friendly activities. So come and join the feast – and let them eat waste!
Don't eat pork? Don't despair – Wahaca will also be serving up some delicious winter vegetable tacos and their trademark guacamole.
For more information on The Pig Idea, click here.
UK Pig Association Sounds Alarm over Food Waste
The National Pig Association (NPA) has said that the goal must be to reduce waste food. It is important that society makes best use of waste from the food chain and the NPA supports sensible initiatives to achieve this.
As a leader in the recycling of waste food, the pig industry has considerable specialist knowledge and is well-placed to advise on which measures are prudent and achievable, and which are foolish.
NPA adds that the European Union will not relax its zero-tolerance legislation banning the cannibalistic feeding of swill to pigs, and even if it did, no sensible commercial pig producer would use such a risk-laden product.
NPA will not participate at The Pig Idea.

Further Reading
Go to our previous news item about NPA's position on how the UK pig industry can help reduce food waste without increasing the disease risks to pigs and other farm animals by clicking here.