Call for Papers for 2014 Animal Welfare Conference

UK - The deadline for the receipt of abstracts for the UFAW Animal Welfare Conference is approaching; submissions must be received by 22 November.
calendar icon 11 November 2013
clock icon 3 minute read

The field of animal welfare is a cross-disciplinary area of study that seeks to offer guidance and find solutions to the challenges raised by our caring for and interactions with both kept and wild animals.

As part of its on-going commitment to improving animal welfare through increased scientific understanding of animals’ needs and how these can be met, UFAW is pleased to announce the fourth of a series of unthemed one day conferences on ‘Recent advances in animal welfare science’, which is to be held on 26 June 2014 in York, UK.

This regular meeting, which will be held at the city’s medieval Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, aims to provide a forum at which the broad and growing international community of scientists, veterinary surgeons and others concerned with animal welfare can come together to share knowledge and practice, discuss advances and exchange views. In keeping with this aim, registration for this meeting has been kept low - £28.00 (tea and coffee will be provided but lunch is not included).

Call for papers

The organisers would like to hear from anyone interested in making a contribution to the conference on the subject of recent advances in applied ethology, veterinary and physiological science and the other disciplines that inform our understanding of animals and their welfare.

They hope that this meeting will feature talks and poster presentations from both established animal welfare scientists and others and from those beginning their careers.

Submissions should feature the title of the proposed contribution, the nature of the contribution – talk or poster, the name and full contact details of all contributors and an abstract, which must be in English and should be no longer than 400 words. Time allocated to talks at the meeting is likely to be in region of 20 minutes, which includes time for questions.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 22 November 2013.

Further details, including a registration form can be found on the UFAW web site.

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