German Meat Exports to Russia in Decline
GERMANY - With total exports to Russia in the first five months of this year have declining sharply from 2012, German pork exports were down by more than 20 per cent over the first five months of this year.Compared to the first five months of 2012, German beef and poultry meat exports are down by 62 and 70 per cent, respectively, reports the German meat association, VDF. Exports of chilled beef have came to a halt between March and May.
Total pork exports in 2012 were already down by 24 per cent and a further 21 per cent reduction was recorded for the period January to March 2013.
VDF says the main reason for these developments is the long-term tightening in Russian veterinary measures, which have resulted in a complete ban on fresh, chilled meat imports since February 2013 and numerous blocks on deliveries as the result of Russian ciriticism of inadequate veterinary supervision of specific Russian requirements of exporting companies.
In June, the Russian veterinary service banned a further nine meat delivery companies from exporting to Russia and as a result, further reductions in meat exports from July are anticipated.