Missouri Explores Breeding for PRRS Resistance
US - Researchers at the University of Missouri are investigating genetically engineered pigs that may lead to the development of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)-resistant swine.The current invention being developed by researchers at the University of Missouri are genetically engineered pigs that may lead to the development of PRRS virus resistant swine.
These genetically engineered pigs hold great economic promise for the swine industry if they are approved for human consumption. Additionally, future uses may be identified in the field of xenotransplantation.
The project is due to be presented at the Missouri Tech Expo 2013 at the University in September.
PRRS is one of the most economically devastating swine viral diseases and is a worldwide problem. In 2005, PRRS caused the loss of approximately $560.32 million in revenue for US swine producers.
PRRS results in severe and often fatal respiratory disease and reproductive failure. It predisposes infected pigs to other viral and bacterial pathogens and is a key component of Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex. Pigs that survive the initial PRRSV infection may recover and become carriers of the disease and continue to shed the disease.
Another issue in treating this disease is that PRRS transmission dynamics vary among herds and management practices. Some herds may have persistent infections whereas other herds may exhibit viral fadeout and experience reintroduction of the disease. Standardized treatment protocols for PRRS virus have eluded researchers. An invention which eliminates PRRS from swine would be of great value.
Further Reading
Find out more information on PRRS by clicking here.