Hermitage Genetics, Globino Ukraine Conclude Agreement
UKRAINE - LLC RPE "Globinsky Svinokomplex" established a 1230 sow GGP/GP Hermitage Genetics nucleus in the Ukraine in February of last year.The breeding programme is linked directly to the Hermitage PigBLUP Exchange in Ireland and managed by the Hermitage Geneticist and technical support team.
The nucleus herd consists of maternal line Landrace and Large White which produce the high performing Classic 1 hybrid parent gilts. The herd also contains a nucleus of terminal line MaxgroTM females for terminal boar production which stand at the Globino AI station.
In addition to Globino’s own genetic requirements, the high health nucleus unit will also produce breeding stock for supply to customers in the Ukraine and MaxgroTM semen will be supplied from the Globino AI Station.
"This unique collaboration allows Ukranian pig producers direct access to market leading genetic products ensuring maximum efficiency and economic returns for their herds," commented Gennadiy Chertnetskyy, Sales Manager, Hermitage Ukraine.
Vasyl Starobor, Director of LLC "RPE "Globinsky Svinokompleks" also added that "Three years ago when we were deciding which genetics to use in our programme, we visited many Countries worldwide and we have chosen the genetics of Hermitage due to the excellent maternal and terminal line performance, high health status of the animals, the excellent carcass yields and high level of technical support."