Cherkizovo at Golden Autumn Exhibition
RUSSIA - Cherkizovo Group’s Kuznetsovsky Pork Complex took part in the annual “Golden Autumn“, the annual Russian Agricultural Exhibition, which took place in Moscow last week.The event traditionally attracts business and government representatives, who are interested in the further development of the Russian agricultural sector.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited the most anticipated agricultural event of the year, touring the exposition of the Russian Federation regions, as well as the Moscow Trade and Services Department’s stand.
This is the first time that the Kuznetsovsky Pork Complex, which is located in Troitsky Administrative District of Moscow, has been represented alongside the other participants of the Department’s exposition.
The Kuznetsovsky Pork Complex was the first pork farm to become part of Cherkizovo Group; its annual production capacity equals 11,200 tonnes of live-weight pork.
Cherkizovo Group’s Head of Communications and Investor Relations, Alexander Kostikov, said that it is a great honour for the company to be invited to participate in the Moscow Trade and Services Department’s exhibition. Mr Kostikov said, "I am pleased that the city authorities appreciate the quality of our products."
There were also products from Cherkizovo Group’s other businesses at the “Golden Autumn“ exhibition: the Penzensky Meat and Poultry Processing Plant and the Vasilyvskaya Poultry Factory.