Agriculture Industry Unites Behind Technology Roadmap

UK - Two years on from the Foresight Report into the Future of Food and Farming, four national organisations are working together to shape the science that will deliver food for future generations.
calendar icon 29 October 2012
clock icon 3 minute read

In 2010, the Foresight Report highlighted major challenges facing the global food system. Against a background of volatile food prices and a more uncertain climate, it warned of a serious lack of research and development in agriculture – the tools needed for primary food production to increase output in a sustainable way.

The NFU, the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE), the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) have responded to this challenge by commissioning a high-level research and development agenda, to produce a set of clear and deliverable development priorities.

Entitled Feeding the Future: Innovation Priorities for primary Food Production in the UK to 2030, the project has been led by Professor Chris Pollock CBE.

It is supported by the Technology Strategy Board's Sustainable Agriculture & Food Innovation Platform. It aims to identify knowledge gaps and innovation opportunities to produce a document that provides a concise, coherent vision of farmers' and growers' requirements for research and development, up to 2030.

Professor Ian Crute, Chief Scientist at the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board, said: “With limited research funding available and with the clock ticking we believe it is vital to spell out the industry’s view on the research priorities for UK agriculture.

“This should be the reference manual for our policy makers and funding providers over the next two decades.“

To reserve your place at this important event, contact the Institute of Agricultural Management on 01275 843825 or email [email protected]

Charlotte Johnson

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