Eleven New ASF Outbreaks Reported to OIE
RUSSIA - Eleven new outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) have been reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). They started between 19 July and 3 August in the regions of Krasnodar, Volgograd and Novgorod and more than 74,000 animals were affected.The Russian veterinary authority sent Follow up Report No. 91 dated 9 August to OIE.
It describes a total of 11 ASF outbreaks, which started between 19 July and 3 August in the oblasts of Krasnodar (seven outbreaks), Volgograd (three) and Novgorod (one). The latter was in a wild boar, found dead. The other outbreaks were in domestic pigs – three village herds and seven farms. A total of 74,380 pigs were involved, of which 2,064 showed symptoms and 55 died. The rest – 73,829 – were destroyed.
The following control methods continue to be employed: control of wildlife reservoirs, movement control inside the country, screening, disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s) and modified stamping out. There has been no vaccination and no treatment of affected animals.
Further ReadingFind out more information on African Swine Fever (ASF) on ThePigSite by clicking here. |