Finisher Challenge – Anything Goes
UK - The 2TS Finisher Challenge is about reviewing current performance records to set targets for improvements.Producers can either actively implement
new strategies to improve performance
or they might decide not to change
anything and simply monitor what
happens – it’s up to each producer.
All it takes to enter is to provide a set
of data from anytime between 1 January
2012 and now, then another set on
31 September 2012.
- Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR):
Estimate this using the amount of
feed purchased in relation to the
number of liveweight kilograms sold.
- Average Daily Gain (ADG):
Weigh all pigs at every stage or,
alternatively, select a room, a litter
or 10-20 random pigs of various sizes
to weigh just a sample of pigs at each
- Mortality: Count the number of pigs when they enter a room/building and then keep a record of how many go into the hospital pens, are streamed off, sold or die.