Increasing Production Means Market Competition
GLOBAL - Driven exclusively by gains in poultry and pigmeat production, global meat output is set to expand by nearly two per cent to 302 million tonnes in 2012, according to the FAO Global Food Outlook..Most of the sector growth is likely to originate in the
developing countries, as developed countries may
witness a second year of slipping output as profitability
stumbles in the face of high input costs, stagnating
domestic meat consumption and severe competition
from developing countries.
The struggle for markets is
expected to intensify in 2012 as increased production in
key importing countries slows down global meat trade
This, combined with limited supplies in
developed exporting countries, is shifting international
market shares towards developing countries, in
particular Brazil and India.
Drought in the Unites States, the major world meat
exporter, and limited animal numbers in other exporting
countries have kept international meat prices at near
record levels in the first quarter of 2012.
At 182 points
in April, the FAO meat price index was up from March,
supported by persistent gains in bovine and pigmeat
prices. Slowing global import demand and two years
of stagnating consumption in developed countries
may imply less price pressure in 2012; however, meat
production this year will hinge critically on feed prices
and the animal disease situation.