CME: Why Producers and Packers Benefit from Heavier Hogs
US - Other drivers of hog weights: Packer buying systems, later weaning. Our Tuesday edition garnered a few comments fro readers, two of which were not included in Tuesday’s discussion but which we think might help others better understand this spring’s high slaughter weights, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.The vast majority of hogs sold in the US are sold on carcass
merit pricing systems that pay premiums or apply discounts
based on the weight and leanness of individual carcasses. Producers
and packers agree on a base price or a formula by which a
base price is determined and then each hog is weighed and measured
to determine the premium/discount applied to its price based
on a pre-established “grid“. The measurement systems utilize a
simple ruler, optic probe or ultrasound device to measure fat thickness
and, in most cases, muscling to estimate the amount of lean
muscle in a carcass. Similar systems use weight, yield grade and
quality grade to determine the final price for some fed cattle.
Packers’ pricing grids do not change often but are not set
in stone forever. If packers see an opportunity to use their pricing
system to change incentives and drive producers to raise a different
type of pig, they will do so. Further, one packer changing its
matrix will usually lead others to do the same so the market generally
sees a wave of adjusted matrixes after is sees one.
Sometimes the changes amount to “raising the bar“ for
producers in that the leanness levels required to achieve a premium
or avoid a discount are raised. This happened several times in
the 1990s as hogs got leaner. What was once a superior hog became
the norm as everyone improved. Theoretically, the new
“average“ for leanness should have been built in to the base prices
paid. One can get plenty of lively discussion (perhaps called arguments)
over whether that actually occurred.
Other matrix “adjustments“ were made to respond to muscle
quality issues when single-trait selection pressure for hog leanness
led to higher incidences of pale, soft pork. Since hog carcasses
are not quality graded like cattle (ie. Prime, Choice, Select,
etc.), packers had to influence muscle quality through the leanness
premiums they paid. The matrix adjustments usually took the form
of removing leanness premiums for ultra-lean hogs with, for instance,
less than 0.5 inches of backfat or more than 56% lean.
History showed that these hogs were much more likely to have
muscle quality issues.
The most common matrix adjustments, though, have
been in weight discounts. No weight “premiums“ are paid for hogs.
An optimal weight range is specified in the matrixes and discounts
are applied to any hogs that do not fall within that optimum range.
The optimum range differs from packer to packer and is driven
largely by the individual packers’ product mix. Hormel has traditionally
preferred lighter hogs to go into its extensive further processed
and branded product lines. Cargill and Tyson have traditionally
preferred heavier hogs to go into their more commodityoriented
product lines.
The most recent wave of weight discount changes occurred
last year as every major packer increased its preferred
weight range for hogs. As can be seen below, the trend is nothing
new as average hog carcass weights have increased from about
135 pounds in the 1950s to 206 pounds last year. That figure includes
sows, boars and hogs slaughtered at lighter weights. The
average weight for top barrows and gilts in 2011 was 203 pounds.
Why is the trend so strong? Economics and genetics.
Both producers and packers benefit from heavier hogs as long as
those hogs can convert feed efficiently. Efficient hogs allow producers
to spread fixed and sunk costs over more pounds of output.
Big hogs allow packers to do the same with their fixed (plant,
equipment, etc.) and quasi-fixed (labor really can’t be reduced and
increased on a whim) costs. Steady selection pressure for hogs
that efficiently convert feed to lean meat has reduced the marginal
cost of that last pound of gain, meaning more and more pounds of
gain are put on each pig. The adjustments in packer matrixes
have REDUCED the discounts for heavy hogs and meaning the
marginal revenue for those extra pounds increases.
The other factor that may have come into play in carcass
weights the past couple of years is later weaning. The industry
had moved to average weaning ages of less than 20 days in the
‘90s and early ‘00s in an effort to maximize pigs per sow. But the
quality of these pigs suffered as did the size of subsequent litters.
The late ‘00s saw a strong trend back to weaning ages of 20-23
days. Those pigs were much heavier and healthier and that leads
to heavier hogs at every subsequent point in time. The commenting
reader claimed that 1 lb. more at weaning age leads to 4 lbs.
more coming out of nurseries (about 8 weeks of age) and as much
as 20 lbs. more at a normal marketing age.