MSD/Merck Animal Health Headquarter in New Jersey
US - MSD Animal Health, known as Merck Animal Health in the United States and Canada, yesterday announced that it intends to centralize certain functions at the existing Merck Campus in Summit, New Jersey, USA.The plan, taken as part of the business’s worldwide strategic plan and blueprint for
significant growth, will result in centralizing most Commercial, Marketing and Corporate
Headquarter functions in Summit. This worldwide plan follows the announcement in March 2011
that the animal health business remains a core part of Merck, its renaming to MSD Animal
Health (Merck Animal Health in the US and Canada) and an extensive evaluation of the
business and its strategy including its geographical footprint.
"MSD Animal Health is one of the largest and most profitable animal health businesses
in the world and well positioned in a number of fast growing segments within the global animal
health market. We believe that we can operate more effectively and efficiently with the
centralization of our headquarter functions in the US," commented Rick De Luca, MSD Animal
Health President. "This will lead to a more integrated leadership team, and strengthen the team
cohesion required to operate at the highest level globally. It will also place us in the important
US market and brings us closer to our parent company to align in strategy and leverage our
shared rich resources."
The structures of the HQ and the specific units and individual positions it will comprise
have been outlined in a plan. The plan is expected to have impact on a limited number of
positions at amongst others MSD’s Animal Health site in Boxmeer (the Netherlands). In that
respect a local proposed decision and its implications for the organization in The Netherlands –
redundancies are estimated to be in the order of 65 - is now subject to Works Council consultation. The company is working closely with the Works Council to address questions and
provide support wherever needed. Potentially affected employees have been informed.
It is important to stress that the Boxmeer site will remain a pivotal part of the MSD
Animal Health global business and strategy. The vital Biological R&D operation and a large and
strong manufacturing organization will remain at Boxmeer, which is expected to continue to
employ approximately 1700 employees.