Less Boar Taint with TOPIGS Nador Concept
GERMANY & NETHERLANDS - TOPIGS introduces the Nador concept. With Nador it is possible to select and use finisher boars that produce offspring with 40 per cent less boar taint. With this innovation one of the challenges of producing with non-castrated male finishers is minimized. TOPIGS is the first breeding company that offers this solution for boar taint.TOPIGS will introduce Nador in the Top Pi and SNW Pietrain-Select lines. This because the Pietrain is the most used finisher boar in Germany and the Netherlands. In these two countries the Nador concept is introduced first. Later the concept will be available for the other boar lines of TOPIGS and also in more countries.
The Nador concept is one of the first developments that uses the new breeding technique genomic selection. To develop a breeding protocol for Nador boars, TOPIGS scored of over 27,000 fat samples from non-castrated finisher boars and asked test panels to score the smell after heating. The result of this human nose score was linked to the information gathered from genotyping with a dedicated SNP panel. That made it possible to distinguish boars whose offspring have less risk of developing boar taint.
Besides the boars selected on low boar taint the Nador concept also contains a tracking and tracing system. This makes it possible to provide meat processors guarantees that the slaughter pigs are bred with TOPIGS boars within the Nador concept.