Outlook Conference Turns to CAP Reform

UK - With reform of the Common Agricultural Policy in the melting pot along with environmental concerns, this year's Outlook Conference takes on even greater importance.
calendar icon 10 March 2011
clock icon 2 minute read

This year, DairyCo has joined forces with EBLEX and BPEX for the event on Wednesday, April 27 at One Gt George St, London.

The first speaker in the morning is Tom Hind, Director of Corporate Affairs, National Farmers Union, whose theme is A Greener CAP.

He is followed by Trevor Hanger, Operations Director Group, Dunbia Meats who will be examining the processors' perspective, then Roger Waite, EU Commission spokesman for Agriculture and Rural Development, gives the EU view.

Tony Cooke, Government Relations Director, Sodexo, will speak on CAP reform and the environmental movement and Professor Gareth Edwards-Jones, of Bangor University, takes as his theme potential changes in land-use under the new CAP.

In the afternoon there will be three sessions looking at dairy, beef and sheep and pigs.

Senior Analyst Mark Topliff of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Market Intelligence section, is organising the event.

He said: "Outlook is a must for all involved in the red meat, livestock and dairy industries. It will look at the proposed Common Agriculture Policy reforms and their potential impact. It will include valuable supply forecasts for both 2011 and 2012."

The conference costs £225 plus VAT and for further information or to book places, please email: [email protected]

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