Weekly Roberts Report
US - Agricultural US Commodity Market Report by Mike Roberts, Commodity Marketing Agent, Virginia Tech.Due to the Holiday next Monday the Commodity report will not be published. It will resume week after
next on 26 January.
USDA’s World Agriculture Supply Demand Estimates (WASDE) report was released yesterday morning at
8:30 am Eastern time. The numbers are bearish. Corn and soybean ending stocks were raised; demand
for corn was lowered in every way; a small increase in soybean demand was mildly supportive; and all
markets I report on except for Feeder Cattle took a blow today. Crude oil prices plunged nearly 8 per cent on
lowered demand expectations while a stronger US dollar weighed on prices. When the dollar is stronger
the market trades expectations exports will be hurt. Commodity prices were not expected to fall this
much even as many analysts expected bearish USDA WASDE numbers. A gloomy economy and last
Friday’s report by the FED that the US unemployment rate was the highest it’s been in 16 years
influenced trading to lower-than-expected levels.
LEAN HOGS on the CME were down on Monday. FEB’09 futures closed down $0.975/cwt at
$61.475/cwt; off $0.700/cwt from last week. The APR’09LH contract closed at $67.475/cwt; down
$1.125/cwt and $2.825/cwt lower than last Monday. The JUNE’09LH contract dropped $0.925/cwt to
$79.825/cwt; $2.000/cwt lower than last week. Technical selling weighed on prices but fund short
covering near the close cut losses. The latest CME Lean Hog Index was placed at $54.11/cwt, up
$2.45/cwt from last week at this time. Cold weather slowed market deliveries as packers scrambled for
supplies in northern states. Weather forecasts indicate this will most likely continue holding prices steady
for this week. According to HedgersEdge.com, the average pork plant margin was placed at a negative
$0.30/head; $1.80/head lower than last report. This was based on the average buy of $41.92/cwt vs. the
average breakeven of $41.82/cwt. It probably would be a good idea to buy up to 2 months feed needs at
this time. Sell hogs when they are ready if you can.
CORN futures on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) closed limit down on Monday. MAR’09 corn
futures closed at $3.806/bu; off 30.0
/bu and 30.75
/bu lower than last week. The March contract was
trading synthetically at $3.73/bu. A contract trades synthetically when a combination of puts and calls
mimics the payout of the actual futures contract. A synthetic long futures contract is created by
combining long calls and short puts. A synthetic short futures contract is created by combining short calls
and long puts. In order for both combinations to be identical to a futures position, the options must have
the same expiry dates and strike prices. Traders use this sophisticated strategy sometimes to avoid margin
calls in a very volatile market. The JULY’09 contract closed at $4.014/bu; off 30.0
/bu and 20.0
lower than a week ago. New corn trading limits will be 45.0
/bu on Tuesday’s opening bell and will
revert back to the standard 30.0
/bu when no contract month closes at an expanded limit bid or offer. The
bearish USDA report was the main culprit as profits were taken amid a skittish market and recent price
momentum built mostly technical signals vs. phantom fundamental strength. USDA raised US corn
production 81 mi bu to 12.101 bi bu, well above expectations of 11.975 bi bu. Corn ending stocks were
raised 316 mi bu to 1.79 bi bu. Total use was lowered 235 mi bu to 11.95 bi bu while the average farmer
selling price was lowered 10.0
/bu on both sides of the range to between $3.55/bu-$4.25/bu. All demand
categories for corn were lowered especially noting decreased ethanol use by 100 mi bu to 3.6 bi bu.
Exports were lowered by 50 mi bu to 1.75 bi bu. Since the numbers were more bearish than expected the
market turned limit down. Exports were also disappointing with USDA placing corn-inspected-for-export
at 20.013 mi bu vs. expectations between 24-29 mi bu. Dry weather in Argentina’s corn region was
mildly supportive. Funds sold 4,000 lots in a get-out-of-dodge attitude as large speculators decreased net
bear positions for the week ended 6 January. Cash corn in the U.S. Midwest and the Mid-Atlantic States
was mostly steady amid slow farmer selling after the market opened. Sales were brisk ahead of open
outcry trading but pretty much shut down by mid-morning on falling futures. Last week’s advice was to
sell up to 35 per cent of any un-priced corn in the bin. Hold off on pricing any more of the 2009 crop.
SOYBEAN futures on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) closed down on Monday with the March and
May contracts closing limit down. The JAN’09 soybean contract closed at $9.540/bu; off 83.5
/bu and
/bu lower than last week. There are no trading limits on the January contract as it is in delivery
status. MAR’09 soybean futures closed at $9.660/bu; off 70.0
/bu and 21.0
/bu lower than a week ago.
Limits will increase to $1.05/bu for Tuesday. Spillover weakness in the corn market and sell stops being
triggered on technical selling took value from the market. USDA’s WASDE report was bearish for soybeans also. USDA raised soybean ending stocks by 20 mi bu to 225 mi bu on 38 mi bu more
production based on a projected yield increase of 0.3 bu/ac and a slight increase in harvested acres. The
yield increase surprised traders. Use was trimmed by 21 mi bu to 2.948 bi bu on decreased crushings and
higher imports. USDA lowered the crush due to lower U.S. feed demand. The average US farmer price
was tightened raising the lower end 25.0
/bu to $8.50/bu and lowering the higher end 25.0
/bu to
$9.50/bu. Even though the market reacted bearishly today there is still fundamental strength. Drought in
South America was supportive. Soybeans-inspected-for-export was placed at 23.228 mi bu vs.
expectations for between 25-30 mi bu. China bought 399,000 tonnes (14.67 mi bu) or 63.2 per cent of US
exports. Funds sold over 6,000 contracts as large speculators increased net bull positions. Cash soybeans
in the US Mid-Atlantic states were much weaker after the markets opened on Monday morning. Hold
off on any more soybean sales for now.
WHEAT futures in Chicago (CBOT) were down on Monday. Influenced by sliding corn and soybean
prices wheat took a hit today. The MAR’09 contract closed at $5.696/bu; off 59.75
/bu and 47.0
lower than last week. JULY’09 wheat futures were down 59.25
/bu at $5.940/bu; 47.0
/bu lower than
week before last. Limits on trading will be raised to 90.0
/bu cents because trading was limit down at
times. The USDA increased wheat plantings by 100,000 acres to 63.1 mi ac. This was less than traders
expected. US wheat ending stocks were increased 32 mi bu to 655 mi bu. Total US use was lowered
32 mi bu to 2.26 bi bu. The average farm-gate price was tightened a dime on both ends of the price range
to $6.50/bu-$6.90/bu. Exports were supportive as USDA placed wheat-inspected-for-export at 19.613 mi
bu vs. expectations for between 9-15 mi bu. Pakistan and Iraq were major buyers. Ukraine reported a
record 53.3. mi tonne (1.958 bi bu) crop. It would be a good consideration to hold off pricing any more
wheat to see where the market will settle.