Most of GB to return to "normal" meat exporting
UK - EU vets have agreed a further relaxation in the controls on meat exports in the wake of the recent foot and mouth outbreak.The decision by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCOFCAH), which is likely to take effect from 14 November, means that exports will soon resume as normal from most of Great Britain.
Under the ruling, GB is being divided into three zones.
A high risk zone covers the area immediately around the holdings where the eight outbreaks of foot and mouth occurred in August and September. No exports are allowed from this zone.
A moderate risk zone covers a 150km area around this high risk zone.
Exports of fresh beef and sheepmeat may now resume from this area, but with strict conditions attached.
In particular, the slaughtered animals must have been resident on the same holding for at least 30 days, and no other foot and mouth susceptible animals may have been introduced to the holding for 21 days.