Peru Trade Agreement Key to US Agriculture, says AFBF

US - A pending trade agreement with Peru would increase the value of US farm exports by more than $705 million per year after full implementation if Congress approves the deal.
calendar icon 12 September 2007
clock icon 3 minute read

South Carolina Farm Bureau President David Winkles, says the trade agreement has potential to improve the economics for US farmers’ and ranchers. He was speaking on behalf of the American Farm Bureau Federation to the Senate Finance Committee.

“This agreement requires the elimination of all tariffs on all agricultural products exported by the United States to Peru,” he said. And explained that of the gains projected to result after full implementation, US exports of the major grain, oilseed, fiber and livestock products would exceed $475 million,annually.

Mr Winkles, a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation board of directors and its trade advisory committee, grows soybeans, corn, wheat and cotton on his family’s farm near Oswego in Sumter County, South Carolina. He urged Committee members and the Senate to take prompt action on agreements with Peru, Colombia and Panama and help US farmers.

AFBF estimates passage of these three agreements would increase US agricultural exports by almost $1.5 billion per year, by the time the agreements are fully implemented.

Peru and Colombia received duty-free access to the US market under the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA). However, US products entering those countries continue to face significant duties. The ATPDEA is to the disadvantage of US farmers and ranchers and should be balanced by the pending trade agreements, says the AFBF.

“The Peru agreement is positive for US agriculture. Congress’ quick passage of this agreement, along with the Colombia and Panama agreements, would demonstrate to US farmers and ranchers that Congress is committed to promoting U.S. agricultural trade,” said Mr Winkles.

Further Reading

- For other articles on recent AFBF Senate Committee testimonies click here.

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