Report Counts How Many Pigs Are In The UK
UK - This release gives provisional estimates of pig numbers in the United Kingdom derived from the June 2007 Agricultural and Horticultural Surveys run by the UK agriculture departments.These figures are
provisional and have been produced to meet the requirement to supply estimates of UK pig numbers to the European Commission. Whilst they give an indication of trends, they are subject to amendment as later survey responses come in. Updated and final estimates of pig numbers will be published on the 4th October 2007 and the 17th January 2008.
- England accounts for 82 per cent of pigs in the UK with UK level changes driven mainly by changes in England.
- The pig breeding herd has decreased by 3.1 per cent on June 2006. This is largely due to a fall in the number of gilts in pig.
- Pigs for fattening fell by 0.6 percent on the same period last year. The falls were greatest amongst the heaviest (80kg and over) pigs.
- The total pigs recorded is 1.0 per cent lower than in June 2006
UK Pig Breeding Herd (June 1981 to June 2007)
Source: Defra June Survey of Agriculture and December Survey of Agriculture