Suspended meat imports reduces manufacturing and export revenue

BELARUS - Suspension of meat imports to Belarus is reducing output and export trade for the country's largest meat manufacturers
calendar icon 24 April 2007
clock icon 2 minute read
Meat processors are losing out on valuable export trade because of import restrictions. The suspension of meat imports, particularly pork and poultry meat, is beginning to effect output from a number of meat manufacturing enterprises, many of which are owned by foreign investors. An area around Brest, one of the country’s free economic zones, is reporting particular difficulties. Processors located here have been forced to reduce output by more than 30% because they cannot access raw material. Many say they will run out of supplies within 10 days unless restrictions are lifted.
Speaking on behalf of the meat manufacturers Michael Torgovtsev said enterprises are losing their competitive edge. “We cannot compete in the Ukraine or Russia, markets that account for 85% of our output. Also development of trade to Kazakhstan and Moldova has also been halted,” he added. Companies that renege on export agreements are also subject to financial penalties.
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