Livestock and Products, Indonesian Lifts Ban on U.S. Beef Imports
INDONESIA - This is a Livestock and Products report by the Foreign Agriculture Service, looking at the lifting of the US beef imports by the Indonesian government.Report Highlights
On May 31, 2004, the Director General of Livestock Services, Ministry of Agriculture announced that the ban on imports of some ruminants products from the United States had been removed. The ban was due to the BSE outbreak in the United States in December 24, 2003.
Effective May 31, 2004, the Director General of Livestock, Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture
(MOA), removed the ban on imports of some ruminant products from the United States. The
products now allowed to enter the country include meat, semen, embryos, hearts, livers, and
feet tendon. The restrictions on meat and bone meal import remains. The announcement
states that MOA’s Emergency Committee Team made the decision based on an evaluation of
developments in the BSE situation in the US, the US surveillance system, and the strict
monitoring measures implemented at slaughtering plants and throughout the processing
The announcement also mentioned that US had followed the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health
Code guidelines on handling the situation as agreed in the General Session of the 27th of OIE
meeting in Paris last week.
Background: Indonesian Situation
On December 24, 2003, MOA issued an official statement banning imports of U.S. meat as of
that date, but made exceptions for products in-transit with B/Ls prior to 24 December. With
that action, only two countries remained eligible to export beef to Indonesia: Australia and
New Zealand. In recent weeks, importers, retailers, and restaurant owners had noted that
these restrictions had limited supply and affected prices.
In addition, recent media reports had suggested that a significant amount of meat was entering Indonesia illegally, which some suggested was also being caused by the few alternative sources of imported beef. U.S. beef has a relatively minor share in Indonesia’s beef import market, which is dominated by Australia. In 2003, total meat and variety meat imports totaled $15 million. However,
Indonesia is an extremely important market for U.S. exporters of offal, particularly livers and
Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service - 7th June 2004